Road blockages, no canteen or school bus service, schoolchildren left to fend for themselves in the great outdoors, burnt-out car carcasses, clashes between gendarmes and demonstrators, the people of Saint-Martin lived a nightmare day yesterday around the corner of the island, the tension having become more and more tense over the hours.
On his Facebook page, the president of the COM says "understand the anger that has been mounting since this morning" (note: yesterday morning)
"I was quite shocked at the way of learning, myself, from the prefecture press release, the favorable and unreserved opinion of the PPRN commission of inquiry," he said.
Daniel Gibbs, however, calls for "calm and appeasement". “Do not destroy our possessions in anger. I call on you to exchange and communicate, this is how battles are won, not in violence. My elected officials and I will do everything in our power to make our voices heard by all in this matter which concerns our lands ”, he declared.
SXM taken hostage
For her part, the prefect of the Northern Islands, Sylvie Feucher regrets that the demonstrators are taking hostage the island, its population and the children who cannot go to school. She believes that there are "peaceful ways" to exchange. However, she does not wish to receive demonstrators under these conditions.
As a reminder, “The Union of the People-Workers of Saint-Martinois” or “Movement for Saint-Martin” demonstrate to obtain:
- "the repeal of the PPRN by anticipation
- the immediate stopping of the distribution of water poisoned with bromates and the elimination of invoices at exorbitant prices
- the end of expropriations on land along the coast
- home ownership for thirty-year-old occupants of plots on the coast
- the end of legal proceedings against the occupants who rebuild or repair their houses destroyed by Irma ”.
Blocking roads is becoming a phenomenon in vogue everywhere and now in Saint-Martin which is taking a dangerous ascendancy over public life in general and that of road users, citizens and TOURISTS.
In the meantime, the image of the “Friendly Island” is taking a serious hit!
Last minute: schools closed today
Due to the current events shaking the island, the rector and the Collectivity of Saint-Martin have decided not to open schools this Friday, December 13, 2019.
"We ask parents to please make their arrangements," said the COM in a press release._AF
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