You have until Tuesday, March 29, 2022 (23:59 p.m. Paris time) to finalize your list of up to 10 wishes on the post-baccalaureate orientation platform. After this date, you will not be able to add any more wishes, nor replace any, except for apprenticeship training (there is no deadline for these training).
You can always after this date delete wishes that no longer interest you as long as they are not confirmed.
Nearly 19 state-recognized training courses are available on the Parcoursup platform, whose training offer was further enhanced this year to enable candidates to carry out their higher education pursuits project.
The Parcoursup 2022 procedure takes place in several stages, here are the essential dates:
• March 29, 2022: deadline for making wishes (10 wishes maximum). You can make wishes for non-selective training (bachelor's degree and 1st year common to health studies - Paces) and for selective training (higher technician's certificate, university diploma in technology, diploma in scientific and technical university studies, class preparatory to the Grandes Ecoles, art schools, paramedical training, etc.), admission to which is based on application or by competitive examination.
• April 7, 2022: deadline to complete your file and confirm your wishes.
• June 2, 2022: launch of the main admission phase. The high school students receive the answers from the establishments corresponding to their wishes and make their choices. Several answers are possible: yes; no ; yes if or pending.
• June 23, 2022: launch of the complementary phase. It allows candidates to make up to 10 new wishes for training courses that have places available on Parcoursup.
• 15 July 2022: end of the main admission phase.
• 16 September 2022: completion of the complementary phase. _AF
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