Aline Hanson's funeral: nearly two hours of tributes


The ceremony took place Wednesday afternoon in the Catholic church in Marigot.

The funeral of Aline Hanson, who died Thursday June 29 at the age of 67 following a long illness, takes place on Wednesday afternoon. The funeral procession arrived at midday after crossing Marigot and stopping in front of the Hôtel de la Collectivité. Carried by the territorial police, the coffin was first placed at the entrance of the church so that Saint-Martinois and Saint-Martinoises can meditate.

Outside was installed a giant screen to allow the public to follow the ceremony.

The ceremony took place in two stages. For almost two hours, double the time initially planned by the family, personalities and other relatives who worked or worked alongside Aline Hanson followed one another to pay tribute to him

“National Education owes him a lot. She was a woman of conviction, courage and heart. It will remain an example for us to follow, ”said Michel Sanz, academy inspector-deputy academic director of the National Education services of Saint Martin. Aline Hanson entered national education in 1970 as a student teacher. She was established in 1972 and in 1990 became the principal of the Sandy Ground school which now bears her name.

"She loved following the journey of young people she had been a teacher in," said President Daniel Gibbs. "I know something about it!" She often knew how to remind me of it at the table of the territorial council, ”said the man who was one of his students. The president of the COM also mentioned the commitment of Aline Hanson who "has put his whole life at the service of Saint Martin" and who describes him as "progressive republican".

"She has been a wrestling companion for the past ten years and a close collaborator," said Senator Guillaume Arnell, of whom Aline Hanson was the deputy. "You have always given your best," he said.

"Aline Hanson was a pragmatic, open and straight woman", added the prefect Anne Laubies who knew how to "appreciate her commitment" and who thanked her for having welcomed her when she arrived in Saint-Martin in July 2015, " with all the kindness and kindness that we knew him ”. For the representative of the State, "her most emblematic quality was the respect she had for everyone".

Claire Javois and Micheline Jacques, the new member for Saint-Martin and her deputy paid more tribute to the politician. “Aline was a worthy and courageous woman. She was a Saint-Martinoise passionate about her island to which she devoted all her energy ", declared Micheline Jacques, Claire Javois being retained in Paris by her parliamentary functions. Marie-Luce Penchard, mayor of Basse-Terre and vice-president of the Guadeloupe Region, will keep "the image of a woman who has always known how to defend the interests of the community and the citizens of Saint-Martin in a spirit of justice " "She will have invested without household with all her energy in education, the social, the associative world and the policy", also declared the first vice-president of the Departmental Council of Guadeloupe.

For Alexandre Rodolphe, president of the Guyana community and of the association of ORs, "Saint-Martin loses a first-rate ambassador".

The last tribute was paid by his niece. "She always cared for others and above all she was very attentive to our academic success," she said.

According to the tributes, the coffin, covered with the French flag, was enthroned in the center of the church. A mass followed then burial in the cemetery of Marigot. (Source:

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