Better support health professionals


The new version of the support portals for health professionals (PAPS) - at the national level and in each region - was launched yesterday by the government. 

Patrice Richard, the director general of the health agency (ARS) of Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy, will soon present the PAPS during a press briefing. It is within the framework of the 15th annual congress of the National College of General Teachers (CNGE), in Dijon, that the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine made this announcement. These sites offer a wealth of information on the training of future health professionals, their installation, but also their working conditions, for nine professions including doctors, dentists and pharmacists. “The creation and enrichment of PAPS are part of the territory-health pact launched in December 2012 and reinforced in November 2015 by Marisol Touraine (…) With a crucial challenge: to provide long-term support to health professionals, to provide them with concrete information and facilitate their installation in fragile territories in order to meet health needs and reduce inequalities in access to care ”, according to the government.

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