Gynecologists Charles Vangeenderhuysen, (the only forensic scientist of Saint-Martin) and Michel Thene, wanted to bring together all the local actors in order to think about how to improve the care of victims of violence within the couple. They organized two days of round tables, presentations and debates on the theme of domestic violence, at the CCISM, helped by their partners including the COM, the prefecture, the hospital, the gendarmerie, the national education, Trait d ' Union, Le Manteau, Rotary Lions, Soroptimist and Maternité Active.
On Wednesday, May 30, partners and actors in the field intervened to share their expertise (health personnel, prosecution, gendarmes, psychologists, members of associations, etc.) by addressing the theoretical aspect, while the afternoon discussions took place. are focused on the issue in Saint-Martin. The interveners shared their experience in the detection and care of victims and aggressors of domestic violence. The morning of Friday, June 1 was devoted to the development of concrete measures to be proposed in addition to what is already being done to improve multidisciplinary care. An information conference closed these two days on Friday late afternoon. One of the first concretizations of this partnership in the management of victims and aggressors lies in the creation of a directory of resource persons, then the establishment of a clear protocol between the gendarmes, the hospital etc ... to know who does what, how and when in domestic violence. "Because if some professionals are silent, it is because they do not know what to do when they are faced with a problem of domestic violence" underlines Dr Vangeenderhuysen. The idea of this seminar was to “act on what exists. Then we will have to invent ”summarizes Michel Thene.
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