The operational committee to combat substandard housing was set up in Saint-Martin on October 18, 2018. This committee is responsible for monitoring situations of substandard or substandard housing in conjunction with the prosecutor.
You are a tenant of the public or private park, the repair work on your building or your accommodation has not been carried out and is causing damage which affects your health or you live in dangerous, degraded accommodation. Faced with a situation of unworthy or unhealthy housing, you are not alone.
You can contact the Trait d'Union association either:
• by going to the hotlines which take place in the premises of the house of services to the public (MSAP): in Quartier d'Orléans on the stadium parking lot on Mondays and Fridays from 9h to 12h at Sandy-Ground in front of the cultural center / cinema on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m .;
• by calling
You can also contact the Regional Health Agency (ARS) to report your situation:
• by post to the following address: ARS de Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy - 32 rue canne à sucre - Hope Estate - 97150 SAINT-MARTIN;
• by email:
For further information, you can also call
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