Eyeglass recycling month is coming to Lions!


If you have an old pair of unused glasses, a good deed is offered to you: The Lions Clubs Fort Louis recycles your old glasses to distribute them to the needy as part of their international humanitarian action! Whether it is eyeglasses or sunglasses, for adults or for children, do not hesitate to bring your used pairs (even damaged ones) to the opticians of the island who participate in this operation. Thanks to this fundraising, the Lions Club International is trying to improve the visual health of the poorest populations… several thousand pairs of glasses will be recycled, repaired and will be offered to poor populations in the Third World!

If you wish to place collection boxes for the recycling of humanitarian glasses in your business or office, contact the Lions Club Fort Louis by email at Lcfortlouis@gmail.com

"Recycling glasses does not cost donors anything, but it is an invaluable service to recipients."  _AF

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