The cost of landfill under study


After the passage of Irma, it was established the principle to bury all dry networks (electrical and telephony) at the same time. 

Funding for the reconstruction of electricity networks has been approved; the State takes them up to 100%, or 14,7 million euros, thanks to the sinking fund for electrification charges (Facé).

On the other hand, the Facé does not finance the burial of telephone networks. The interministerial delegate for reconstruction assured last Monday at a press conference that other public funds will be granted to Saint Martin as part of the Very High Speed ​​Plan to finance civil engineering works.

To date, no estimate of the amount of the site is available, the State needing to know the length of the network concerned. "We therefore asked the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations to carry out a mapping which will allow us to know the exact number of kilometers of dry networks to be buried in common with EDF", explains Philippe Gustin. This card must be provided by the end of March. (More details on

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