Installation of neighborhood councils


The now four neighborhood councils were installed during a ceremony at the Hôtel de la Collectivité chaired by the first vice-president of the COM Valérie Damaseau and the prefect Sylvie Feucher , Friday August 3 from 14 p.m. to 17 p.m.

Quarter by quarter, the members of each council, half appointed by the Executive Council and half drawn at random on July 4, from among those who had applied, respectively elected their officers (representative, alternate and secretary) by show of hands .

Neighborhood council number 1 (Griselle - Oyster Pond - all sections of Quartier d'Orléans - Orient Bay - Belle Plaine - Flagstaff) has fifteen members:

Representative: Jimmy Gumbs

Substitute: Agnès Pindi-Alexander

Secretary: Graziella Clicheroux

Neighborhood council number 2 (Chevrise - Cul De Sac - all sections of Grand Case - a portion of Savane et Morne O'Reilly - Mont Vernon - Saint- Louis - Rambaud - Cripple Gate - Pic Paradis - Colombier -Lotissement la Savanna –Friar's Bay) has 21 members:

Representative: Jean-David Richardson

Substitute: Angèle Hodge

Secretary: René Arrondell

Neighborhood council number 3 (Morne Valois - Agrément - Hameau Du Pont - Galisbay - Port de Galisbay -la Colombe - Le Grand Saint Martin to Fort Louis - Spring - Concordia- Mont des Accords - Marina Fort Saint-Louis to at the West Indies Downtown Marigot –Saint James - Mont Fortune - Bellevue – rue de l'Eglise (Orangerie Boutique; opposite the bus station) Rue de Hollande to the Sandy Ground Tourist Office) includes 21 members :

Representative: Madeline Isabelle Artsen

Substitute: Thierry Sylvestre

Secretary: Evelyne Ratchel

District council number 4 (From the Sandy Ground tourist office - all sections of Sandy Ground and Terres Basses) has fifteen members:

Representative: Cédric André

Substitute: Luciana Raspail

Secretary: Maryse Delphine Riner

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