The total number of people registered with Pôle Emploi in Saint-Martin was 5 as of September 560. For the first time since early 30, this figure is down (-2020%) compared to the previous quarter. 3,14 people less are registered in all categories.
The same trend is observed in category A with 145 fewer job seekers in the third quarter (-3%).
A total of 4 people are looking for a job. Six out of 710 people are women. During the last quarter, Pôle Emploi recorded the exit of 10 women and the registration of 155 new men; in total in category A, 10 women and 2 men are registered with Pôle Emploi.
There are still as many people aged over 50, ie 1. On the other hand, young people under 725 are less numerous, with 25 young people leaving; they are 60 looking for a job. (
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