SENATORIAL ELECTION: Annick Petrus was not unanimous within Team Gibbs in the 1st round


The election of the senator is very political since he is elected by the 23 members of the territorial council, the deputy and the outgoing senator. Thus, the candidate from the majority (18 votes out of 25) has the most chances of being elected in Saint-Martin. However, victory is not so easily guaranteed.

In 2014, three candidates from the majority group of the territorial council presented themselves: Alain Gros Desormeaux and René-Jean Duret and Guillaume Arnell who was supported by President Aline Hanson. A candidate from the opposition (Dominique Aubert) had also presented as well as George Gumbs, Boniface Hodge and Patricia Chance-Duzant. A second round in this election was run in advance with the three candidatures of the majority: if the group had not succeeded in agreeing on a candidacy, it seemed logical that it could not elect its own in the first round. candidate.

This year, the majority presented a single candidate, Annick Petrus against Marthe Ogoundele (opposition), Guillaume Arnell, the outgoing senator and Erwan Trotel. If there was no doubt that Erwan Trotel - totally unknown on the political scene - does not benefit from any voice of the big voters, the chances that Annick Petrus is elected in the first round were, them, much greater. Political logic would have wanted it to obtain the majority of votes this Sunday morning. But it did not happen that way.

Annick Petrus was not unanimous within Team Gibbs since she only collected 10 votes out of the Team's 18. Guillaume Arnell obtained 5 votes and Marthe Ogoundele 6. Three voters voted blank and Alain Gros-Desormeaux was absent.


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