The Collectivity of Saint-Martin informs parents of the upcoming opening of school registrations for the 2020/2021 school year.
Students will be registered in the following ways:
Kindergarten class: Tou sectors combined.
Registration open from January 13 to February 21, 2020
• Children born in 2017 (PS) and 2018 (TPS - subject to availability)
• Children born in 2016 and 2015 (MS and GS - out of school)
Preparatory course (CP): All sectors combined.
Parents of children enrolled in the Kindergarten Section (Kindergarten) are invited to collect the information sheet from their child's school, from March 2, 2020. This sheet must be duly completed and filed with the management of 1st degree and School Affairs, rue de la Liberté in Marigot, between March 3 and March 31, 2020.
From June 22 to July 3, 2020: Transfer request or new registrations
• Kindergarten or elementary class (bringing together siblings or domicile)
• Elementary class: (new arrivals, children enrolled in private or elsewhere)
Transfer requests will be studied on a case-by-case basis and granted within the limit of available places. Each file will be subject to a specific analysis.
List of documents to be provided per child, for any registration or transfer
Documents concerning the child:
- Photocopy of the family record book or a birth certificate extract
- Photocopy of the vaccination record (pages 90 to 93)
- Medical certificate of aptitude for life in a school environment (children born in 2017 and 2018).
Documents concerning parents:
- Identity document of the parent (s)
- 2 Proof of address (less than 3 months) on behalf of the parents (electricity or water bills)
- Notice of taxation or non-taxation 2018
- Photocopy of the judgment for the exercise of parental authority (in the event of separation, divorce) and the identity document of ascendants or persons legally responsible.
Transfer request or new registration (child already in school):
- Certificate of radiation (in the event of a change of public or private school)
The registration request can only be accepted if the file is complete.
Registration certificates must be collected from:
Wednesday June 17, 2020 for kindergartens and Friday June 26, 2020 for elementary students
Public reception hours
Annex of the Community, rue de la Liberté in Marigot
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 13:00 p.m. to 15:00 p.m.
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