ECONOMY: 5390 people looking for a job, a level never reached in Saint-Martin


575 additional people are registered in category A at Pôle Emploi in Saint-Martin at the end of October compared to the end of March. The number of job seekers in category A stands at 4 against 635 two quarters earlier, ie an increase of more than 4% in six months.

It is especially women who pushed the door of Pôle Emploi the most: + 330 between the end of March and the end of October against + 245 men over the same period. In the third quarter, 2840 women were looking for work and 1795 men in category A.

Since March 2008 (first data available online), the number of people in category A has never been so high. If he often flirted with 4300, even 4440, he had never exceeded the mark of 4500 (except in August 2017 with 5111 registered).

If we consider all the categories,  they are 5390 people looking for a job at the end of October, 455 more than at the end of March or 320 more than the previous quarter. By way of comparison, at the end of 2017 after Irma, 4821 were registered with Pôle Emploi in all categories. It is also the first time that the figure is so high, the 5 mark was crossed between May 000 and August 2016 but had never exceeded 2017 people (except in August 5270 with 2017 people).

During the third quarter, the end of a contract is the cause of registration for a quarter of new job seekers (cat A, B and C); economic redundancy is the cause for 2% and contractual termination for 3,7%. For 11,8%, this is the registration of a person who entered the labor market for the first time (finishing their studies or was inactive before. 16,2% of new registrants are looking for employment after a period of inactivity, illness, maternity or training. (

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