Cul-de-sac: heap of sargassum close to homes


The collective of the inhabitants of Cul-de-Sac denounces the current situation, unbearable, in their district facing the foul smells of sargassum. The collective has just launched a petition, addressed to the prefect Anne Laubies, explaining that these algae and other waste have been deposited in front of a residential site, close to two schools.

Enough is enough. The green brigade, which should go into action at the end of the month, is desired. In the meantime, the Collectivity is carrying out occasional seaweed pickups. The latest one, which took place this week in Cul-de-Sac, broke the already too full vase of the inhabitants of the district. "The piles of organic matter and decaying household waste" were moved "300 meters from the original place to be deposited in a heap on the other side of the bay, less visible, but just in front of a residential site and between a college and an elementary school, even touching a mangrove, "underlines the petition, also addressed to the president of the Community Aline Hanson, to the Nature Reserve, to the ARS and to the DIREN. The collective requests the authorities to remove this hazardous waste for health.

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1 comment

  1. Vanessa September 11, 2015 at 13:49 pm Reply

    We meet the same problem in oyster lays odors the garbage It's unbearable we people don't pick it up
    What to do to make things happen

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