It is by respecting the health protocol to the letter that the territorial championships were able to take place on Wednesday March 10 at the Hope Estate gym.
This competition is the selective phase for the Guadeloupe championships which will be held in April and May.
Wamaria Steele Lauga wins the best score of the competition.
Congratulations to the gymnasts who matched in special conditions! A big thank you also to coco who contributes to the training of competitive gymnasts.
Soon, the club will organize the federal competition B which brings together sixty gymnasts. A different organization from previous years, following the health crisis. And without forgetting the non-competitors, who will participate in the end-of-year show.
The dates will be sent to you by email.
Follow our news on social networks St. Martin gym
Technical Manager, Grâce Riom
Palmares :
Category 13/14 YEARS:
1st Waimaria Steele Lauga
2ème Meissa Vallet
3ème Naidy Nubret
4ème Mei
Category 10/11 years:
1st Jade Auge
2ème Julia Brooks
3ème Alycia San Juan
4ème lilia san juan
5ème Millie Marchisella
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