On the French market, the first self-test HIV tests, issued without a prescription, have been available since last Tuesday in pharmacies. In Saint-Martin, you will have to wait a little longer before being tested at home.
Earlier this week, Marisol Touraine, the Minister of Health, visited a Paris pharmacy for the official launch of the HIV self-test. "In France, 30.000 people today live with this virus without knowing it," said the minister, adding that 80.000 tests will be provided in pharmacies. With this kit designed by the company AAZ and marketed by the Mylan laboratory, a drop of blood is enough to test one's seropositivity. For 25 euros, the result is available in 15 minutes. Note that this test does not screen for other sexually transmitted infections. In Saint-Martin, self-tests are not yet offered in pharmacies, contacted yesterday, and no pharmacist has received an information circular relating to the sale of these kits. Laborex, the wholesaler of these pharmacies, explains to us that "the delivery of the tests in Saint-Martin is not yet known". Some pharmacies, such as the one located in Concordia, already receive requests from their customers. On the side of Aides, the arrival on the market of this device is welcomed. “This is good news, because it is an additional means of prevention. Thanks to the self-test, everyone can take the test at home, in complete peace of mind, ”says Angeline Pottier, coordinator of the association, adding that a positive result will have to be verified by a blood test.
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