The pupils of a 6th grade class discovering the engraved rock of Moho


6th grade students  went on January 12 to the Roche Gravée de Moho in Quartier d'Orléans in the presence of archaeologist Christophe Henocq.

What is this rock? What is his story ? Many questions have been raised and an educational land area project will be set up to promote student engagement and obtain funding for other projects.

In the meantime, many actions will be carried out, including the cleaning of the area and then the production of an inventory of biodiversity. The archaeologist, Christophe Henocq will also intervene in class to tell the story related to the rock. A rock that lent its name to the college: "Collège Roche Gravée de Moho" in Quartier d'Orléans. _AF

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