BAD WEATHER: A look back at this very rainy weekend


The forecasts of Météo France announced it, the rains indeed poured on our territory last weekend creating many floods and making certain roads impassable. Fortunately, there were no injuries or casualties.

The threatening sky and the intermittent rains arrived on Friday. In view of the rapid evolution of the meteorological phenomenon, the Northern Islands were placed under orange vigilance "heavy rain-storms" on Saturday. The end of the day and evening were particularly wet with readings of precipitation levels of 131mm in Marigot and 26mm at the Gustavia station. At 17 p.m. Saturday, the road network was already badly degraded in places between the presence of large deep ponds and debris causing traffic disruptions. In the evening, the situation did not improve much with the rain gaining strength. The sectors most affected by the floods and the difficult evacuation of water: the area of ​​the road of hope and along the airport drowned for several hundred meters, the surroundings of the Hôtel de la Collectivité in Marigot with a height of 55cm of water which made the passage almost impossible. Debris was found on most roads. At Concordia, the road to Spring turned into a stream for one evening creating a small artificial lake at the intersection with the road to Holland. Many vehicles broke down, engine flooded.

Ditto for the marina sector. On Sunday morning, the technical services of the Collectivity intervened to clean the streets, close the manholes whose plates had risen and secure the various areas affected by the rising waters. In anticipation of new rains, temporary trenches were dug to counter overflows. Late Sunday afternoon, Vincent Berton, delegate prefect, issued an order closing schools in Saint-Martin for Monday, November 7, also allowing the services concerned to draw up an inventory of any damage._VX

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