BTS work-study program: signature of 4 apprenticeship contracts


The morning was solemn at the Lycée Professionnel Daniella Jeffry during the signing of four mixed learning contracts within the framework of the GRETA-CFA.

In the presence of Mr. Michel Sanz, Vice-Rector, Laurence Frankfurt, Operational Director of GRETA-CFA, Mr. Patrick Martin, Deputy Principal of the Robert Weinum General and Technological High School representing Mr. Saunier, as well as the business leaders linked to the project and the he GRETA-CFA team, Mrs Jeanine Hamlet, principal of the Lycée Professionnel Daniella Jeffry retraced the history of GRETA-CFA, a group of local public education establishments that pool their skills and resources to offer a training and the establishment of work-study contracts for BTS students in SME management (small and medium-sized enterprises). There are six partner establishments in the territory, which, given the lack of offers of higher education courses, badly needed a device of this type to be active in Saint Martin. The mixed work-study process allows the student to be trained in a company thanks to an internship of two days per week, and to complete his education in high school for the remaining three days. 

There are now several Brevets de Techniciens Supérieurs (BTS) such as the BTS in hotels and restaurants or even BTS Tourism. The possibility of following this training in alternation and in a mixed course is a great leap forward in the education of these young students. Wendy Senexant, 20, is living proof. The only representative present of the four students concerned, the three being retained by their exam session, Wendy expressed with emotion her experience within the telephone company DIGICEL where he now works in the "sales" department under the proud gaze of the director. of the company, which did not fail to underline the potential of this active and conscientious young man, while mentioning that apprenticeship contracts often lead to recruitment, if the young person so wishes. Ms. Jeanine Hamlet was delighted that local businesses are asking to work with the GRETA-CFA team in order to give, for all these young people, a reality to a professional project, even if this often requires adaptation and an organization at all times given the diversity of the courses of some students. _VX

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