USEP: Two new teachers from Saint-Martin now present!


Two teachers from Saint-Martin, Evelyne Doressamy and Gladys Foy, were trained as part of a training course for USEP facilitators, organized by the training committee of USEP Guadeloupe. This took place from October 19 to 21, at Creps des Antilles Guyane.

Among the 12 departmental trainers supervising these 21 hours of production, reflection and sporting practices, one could note the presence of Jean-Luc Elice, educational adviser and president of the USEP of the Northern Islands. The training provided in a friendly atmosphere, addressed the knowledge of the USEP and the child, the functioning of the association, the "Usepian" values, the association debate, physical and sporting activities: "Tchoukball" and the "Tropikatlon" (challenge by team composed of 6 APS). The two teachers from Saint-Martin, Evelyne Doressamy and Gladys Foy left very satisfied with their training. Now, they are ready to put their skills at the service of the children of Saint-Martin. It should be noted that the French part of the island today has nearly 30 leaders and 3 USEP trainers who aim to train future citizens. _AF

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