Summary of the press conference of Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs held on May 9, 2020

In the past few weeks, 1915 homes totaling 5132 people have been tested at Covid-19.

36 tests revealed symptoms, 21 breathing problems, 1 test was positive, 3 tests are pending results and 2 people refused to be tested.

4000 emergency food boxes have been delivered up to now and donations keep coming in from different businesses, organizations and  foundations such as Vegan Foods, K1 Brittania and many more. Donations are also expected to be coming from The Netherlands.

Business reopenings

A gradual reopening of businesses will take place over the next few weeks and in order for this to happen the community will need to prepare for “the new normal”. There will be specific guidelines for all businesses in order to be allowed to open for the public. Businesses need to ensure that simple and effective measures are in place to promote a safe and healthy behavior in order to reduce the number of cases. These measures include and are not limited to:

-Keeping a physical distance of at least 1,5 to 2 meters

-Wearing a mask in public

-Protecting staff and customers

-Sanitizing stations for employees and customers

-No employees are allowed to come to work if they have flu-like symptoms or are feeling sick

Businesses should still promote employees to work from home whenever possible.


This gradual reopening of companies in the coming weeks will be based on the following criteria:

- Risk to public health

- Social need

- Economic need

Companies authorized to reopen in PHASE 1

Phase 1, which includes some of the following businesses, will be authorized from May 11 to 18:

- Construction companies

- Rental and lease of heavy equipment

- Restaurants for delivery only, pickup and "drive thru"

- Financial services

- Tailors, seamstresses and shoe repairs

- Consultancy and Accounting  companies

- Landscaping and Horticultural

- Auto and Marine parts for delivery and pick up only

- Hardware Stores for delivery and pick up only

Businesses in phases 2, 3 and 4 will be announced to the public once the decree has been signed.

The above-mentioned companies are authorized to be open from Monday to Friday. Saturday will be reserved for delivery only. The hours for the elderly, differently able and pregnant women are between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. The curfew remains in effect from 20 p.m. to 00 a.m.

Proper inspection will take place to ensure that all businesses meet the proper criteria in order to protect employees and customers.

With regard to public transport, only 50% of the capacity will be authorized, which means 2 people per row, on opposite sides. The same protocol will apply with regard to sanitizing to ensure the safety and health of the driver and passengers.

Schools reopening soon

Primary schools will enter phase 2, while secondary and higher education and the university will enter phase 3. Focus will be on the exam students. CXC exams are scheduled to take place in July 2020. It is recommended to continue home-schooling and online classes as much as possible.

Repatriation of local residents of St. Maarten, who are still abroad and who wish to return to the island may take place in mid June - beginning of July. These residents will have to undergo a mandatory quarantaine of 2 weeks in a designated facility.

Cruise ships are not return until August 2020 and when Sint Maarten reopens to tourists, there will be a specific protocol for all arriving passengers.

The Fire Chief mentioned that they are preparing for the upcoming hurricane season which starts on XNUMX. Information can be found on the App “disasterprepstmaarten" on Apple Store.

The Police Chief gave the following advice:

- Do not use too much cash

- Use a credit or debit card whenever possible

- Have 911 on speed dial

- Be vigilant, everyone must wear a mask now.

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