SOCIETY: Break the silence, a 3rd edition which allowed victims to exchange


On the occasion of the international day for combating violence against women on 25 November, the association Le Manteau in partnership with CAF organized the 3rd edition of the event "Brisons Le Silence" which was held last Friday .

The Villa Gumbs de la Savane opened its doors to forty women for a day of information on the various systems put in place in the territory in order to prevent and manage these incidents. The associations Trait d'Union, Le Manteau, the Red Cross, the MSAP and the gendarmerie were present to make participants aware of the various forms of violence, help them in their change of situation and provide them with information on their rights and duties. In addition to information, the objective of the day was to promote women and restore their self-confidence by setting up individual and cohesion workshops: a makeover, professional makeup, an introduction to sophrology, a photo shoot, yoga, zumba and self defense classes. A discussion group was also led by a psychologist. The opportunity for these women to share their stories.

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